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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von LeVante: 3/23/2020 7:03:21 AM

Trials matchmaking sucks terribly

Now I see why many of my friends are moving to The Division 2. They were already not excited at the idea of an entire season based on Trials and no new raid so they didn't even try. I decided to stay on D2 and try cause I don't mind comp PvP. The truth is trials brought back some of the sweatiest players who are doing only that and they're farming wins even in the 1-3 range. So far we only happened to find twice ordinary people, every other time it was pro teams with already 4-5 times flawless AT THE VERY FIRST MATCH!! Why do we have to face these guys at the very first match?!?! I can understand losing with people like that when I'm on 5 or 6 but on 1 it's just frustrating. It was not an unfortunate isolated episode. It keeps happening very consistently. It has been an incredibly frustrating experience so far. I'm not sure I want to do this for an entire season. I love D2 but I start thinking that maybe my friends were right

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