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Surfe in einer Flood (Flut) von beliebigen Diskussionen.
Bearbeitet von Veggehtehbull: 3/27/2020 1:30:36 AM

Masked: Ending

The weekly Offtopic news arrives on your doorstep, per the usual. You pick it up and brush off the dirt, possibly shooting it’s deliverer if you’re the type. Unfolding it, it reads as follows: [i]After an unusual turn of events in the Offtopic bar this past week, the mistress Anna Everest was sent to the Little Wings hospital prior to a sudden assault. She was stabbed, and the perpetrator seemed to vanish out of thin air after he had done so. But before interviewers could ask on the subject, she vanished. On Sunday morning, around 11:15am, her bed was discovered empty. Search reports have led nowhere, and she seems to have left Offtopic all together. Or that’s what we thought. Upon further inspection, she was discovered to have cloaked her vehicles outside of the house Gragnik-Tilman. A quick search was done of the vehicles, and it was concluded that they had not been used within weeks. So, where could she have gone? After much persuading, we convinced the Little Wings hospital to use the security feed. What we found was astounding.[/i] After turning the page, it seems to come to life, as if under a spell. Static rumbles across the sheet, and a hospital room comes into view. Anna lays on the bed, quietly reading a book. She wears hospital gowns, and her duel pistols lay at her side. The tv quietly hums, playing something just out of your view. She seems content. Suddenly, a dark portal appears next to her bed, and a gigantic, black, scaly hand reaches out to grab her. With lightning quick reflexes, she reaches for her pistols and unloads the little she has to no effect. The arm grabs her by the waist and hoists her out of the bed with tremendous force. Powerless, she is pulled into the portal and lets out a scream just before the tape cuts. You turn to the next page and continue reading. [i]Who is this mysterious creature, and what does he want with the residents of Offtopic. Or are these more personal affairs?[/i]

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