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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
4/17/2020 3:22:27 AM

Sunsetting is just a fancy word for what Bungie always does.

They reset, come up with a new system, and as an excuse, you're forced to go grind for it. For instance, that massive grind for our Age of Triumph gear? The stats are extremely bad on every single piece. I expected, with each new update going into it I would have new gear to grind for that I could bring with me into the black - the unknown. D1, you guys reset the whole system on items in general, and we were forced to abandon our 180 light gear and chase the new stuff. Every new update since then has been this weird grind where you flush your character through all these irrelevant blue gear stages to get to the stuff you want to use. Same with infusing, the reason it's irrelevant on older gear is because you didn't apply the updates to that gear. Just loaded the game with new gear and made us chase it. I don't know about you guys, but I don't trash things I enjoyed using for a time. Even in D1, I've got some y1 gear that I tried to see how long I could keep. Same with D2, I have some items that I either planned on using and trying out, or things I used heavily and enjoyed. This game constantly forces us to chase the meta, if you're not using it you're under performing. Then you tip the scales again and balance too far into one direction creating a new meta. You act like this isn't intentional, but it absolutely is. It forces players to trash the previous meta and lean into the new one that was artificially created. When I see sunsetting, I just see another excuse to keep your "filter" going. You force us to grind through shitty weapons, then to infuse into the weapons we like. But you do it over and over each season, now you act like this is some new solution to an old problem?! It's the same thing! You just explained the same system and then slap a label on it. Why is it such an issue to simply let us enjoy the things we want? What? Our weapons are burning down the bosses too much? How about explore different avenues where your only solution to each problem is not a simple bullet sponge. It's frustrating, you have these amazing mechanics, lots of different lore to draw inspiration from. Then the most obvious thing you lean towards is turning our weapons into a paint spatter, and invulnerable shield windows. ???? Why?! I feel you guys are allergic to what the players want or something. We all say we want one thing, then you come out and say and do the exact opposite. Who ever asked for sunsetting? I only remember people complaining about their gear getting irrelevant each new update, and people complaining about grinding through blue gear. I get there needs to be gear to chase, but you guys can make up some amazing stuff that's not already in the game without artificially creating the absence of current gear to the new gear. Armour is just armour, a gun is just a gun. If anything, let us keep the frame of the weapon, and install it on new weapons. Let's say we don't like the look of what ever gear you want us to chase, we can just dismantle our old weapon, create an ornament out of it, and install it overtop the new weapon. This way we've just created a unique weapon, but it keeps its new arch-type and underlying tech (what ever it is). If sunsetting is going to be a thing, at least give us something that we can take from it. Cause I don't see us gaining anything from the time we spend in your game if you keep artificially making the stuff we grind for irrelevant.

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