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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von SirWinnipeck: 5/19/2020 2:52:21 PM

The Lie / Bunker Bug

Dont know if already mentioned by someone but its not only the quest. After you talked to Rasputin for the quest you are unable to enter the Bunker. Even if you delete the quest from your character and it says "open Daily Bunker" at the Door... this will still load the quest Mission and fail it due to the Bug. That means, that you are unable to open and clear the Bunker at that point. Edit: alternate characters who havent progressed to Mission step can enter the Bunker. Edit: glitched into Bunker with Main character. Backtracking is impossible. 2. Jump out of the dark Bunker room is too high:/ so i have to wait until a fix can be deployed.. Edit: Made the second jump.. kind of. Invisible wall blocks the way-.-

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