Let's forget controversy for a minute. Smash is a great game independent of who plays it.
If Smash Ultimate added Destiny Spirits to the game what would they be? So rules: Spirit events add at a maximum only four spirits at most. You can't add more than one 4 star spirit. You have to include at least one 2 star spirit or lower.
Be sure to include what ability the spirit adds.
For bonus points include what the spirit battle would look like. For example a Cabal Colossus could be Red King K Rool with super scope on Battlefield Venom (Mars). Warlock could be Palutania with Fast Final Smash and uses Specials often (Blackhole/Mega Laser feels like Nova Bomb/Chaos Reach to me). Lord Shaxx could be Roy with a couple of red Robs (the redjacks). A Vex Hydra could be Giant Rob with a Back Shield. Just some examples.
Dinklebot “A triptych of Hive ruins...” / (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)