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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von IAGNRG: 7/31/2020 11:17:39 PM

Gun Puns! It’s a Sweet Business

Alright everybody, here’s our Icebreaker for today, I want to see some puns! I’m in the Sweet Business of making puns and I want to see yours. No holds barred and a red war waged amongst each other, walk The Forward Path blazed with your ingenuity. Now, now, don’t be afraid to be The Chaperone to someone too proud to jump into this, because after all... [spoiler]only one can have the Last Word[/spoiler]
#destiny2 #puns

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  • Just seeing The Number of puns here, I feel it is Imperative to be the Tone Patrol, and the Adjudicator, and I feel Duty Bound to deliver A Swift Verdict. You must think you are The Comedian of the hour, but to that I say "How Dare You". Your jokes feel as if they have a Deadpan Delivery, so I will not be playing Angel's Advocate. These puns are a Line in the Sand for me, they may set a Bad Reputation and Negative Space between people, they can create Ill Will and that is The Permenant Truth. It's best to put up a Corageous Surrender before you are Out of Options and have to pack your Bug-Out Bag and take The Long Walk back to you Beloved Older Sister (III). I really don't have the Patience and Time to keep this up, but I hope it has been some Super Good Advice. I'm just The Messenger For The People, so sorry for any Low-Grade Humility. I hate to be the Party Crasher, but I have to pass Judgment (VI), it's my Hard Luck Charm. In Times of Need we just need to see the Hard Truths before The Crash. Sorry for any Malfeasance, it may seem like I have a Coldheart, but I just want The Last Word in the Hereafter. Have to play my role as the Prosecutor hard, so sorry again for my Critical Sass, hope you aren't in A Cold Sweat after reading those Hollow Words. At least we can all have a Positive Outlook on this situation in The End

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