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Bearbeitet von WiErDScIeNcE11: 12/27/2020 11:37:42 PM

A Solemn Smile

“Hello? Hello?” [i]Wierd dangles in a dark cave near a large body of water by a rope. There was once fighting but after what seems like says the clanging stopped and the voices dimmed. A realization washes over him as he has no way out. He moves to take a small electronic form his bag and sends out an SOS with approximate coordinates.[/i] MISSION DETAIL: [spoiler] [b]THIS IS A RESCUE MISSION[/b] Go in and find Wierd, however, scaling will occurs depending on who enters (to make it fair for everyone). As in previous events there will be special loot for people who succeed. Make sure you have fun and take things lightly! Sips Tea[/spoiler] -Event ended-

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