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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
11/18/2020 1:09:08 AM

What new or existing worlds do you wish Bungie would add to the game in the future?

I would like them to include the following. Venus: Pluto: Charon: A moon of Pluto. Enceladus: An icy moon of Saturn. Triton: Neptune’s largest moon. Ganymede: The largest moon of Jupiter and the solar system. Titania: Uranus’ largest moon. Each place could be added to the story or have a story of their own to tell. Due to Bungie’s “limited space and resources” I assume that if these do come to game they will more than likely be come and go places. In other words vaulted and un-vaulted from time to time. Maybe if Bungie gets more space and resources we may perhaps get new solar systems and galaxies to explore. But that isn’t going to happen anytime soon with the direction they’re heading. What are some worlds not included on this list you wish would come to game? They can be planets or moons in this solar system or in another solar system / galaxy.

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