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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von WizardWolf: 4/22/2021 6:36:55 PM

II: The Champion and the Ghost (Updated!)

[b][u]ATENTION: This takes place at the beginning of Destiny 1 and may contain spoilers.[/u][/b] //MEMORY: GHOST//LOCATION: COSMODROME//GUARDIAN IN PROXIMITY// Ghost: "Who are you?" Alistair: "Lets just say I'm neither friend nor foe." Coldblood: "We heard you've been looking for a guardian for a while… which means it's your lucky day." Alastair: "Just behind that car is someone worthy of light. Come on, we'll lead you there." Ghost: "I don't understand. I have no records of you in my database…" Coldblood: "We're not exactly registered… kind of defeats the purpose of stealth, if you're traceable. Here we are!" Alastair: "You might want to hurry, Fallen are headed this way. Oh, and I need to take this memory, can't have you babbling about this to everyone." Ghost: "Wait-" //ERROR//MEMORY LOST//REBOOT...3...2...1…- Ghost: "There you are! I thought I'd never find you!" //TRANSMISSION SENT//UNKNOWN SENDER// The portal opens out into the Cosmodrome. It was weird, like I was being erased, from history itself. "It actually worked!" Coldblood flew in front of me, his white and blue shell sparkling. The sun's high in the sky. Noon. "Don't sound so surprised. Let's hurry up and find a suitable guardian." I said hiding a smile. The Cosmodrome was just as I remembered. Very rusty, run down and depressing. We stand in a field of old cars. A large wall is directly ahead leading to the Cosmodrome. Last time I was past those walls… things didn't turn out too good. The Cabal kept an army here during the Bombardment. "Why do you think the one you're looking for will be here? Couldn't we have gone to the Dreaming City instead of this run down, middle of nowhere piece of rust." Coldblood gets annoyed easily. Guess he also doesn't like rust. "The one we are looking for is here, your highness. I know it." I say with a touch of sarcasm. I hate it when he doesn't trust me. He also didn't trust me that the Eye would work and now look at us. Bending time to our will. Changing the fate of the Sol System. Coldblood flew off to check some skeletons of drivers, appearing to be trying to escape whatever disaster happened here. Presumably the Collapse. The dark pyramids float to the front of my mind and I fight to push it back. "Found one! They are worthy of the light! All we need now is a ghost…" A loud noise between a howl and a scream sounded off to the far side of the cars. "Fallen. House of Devils. We need to hurry. Check for any Ghosts in proximity." We need to act fast before the Fallen find the bones and use them for who knows what. "There's one ghost about to depart!" Coldblood said, already flying into action. I follow with high agility that belongs to a long time thief. Which reminds me I forgot to take some of that Glimmer from the tower. "Let's go get us a Champion." //ERROR//TIME AFTER LAST TRANSMISSION: 5 MINUTES// SYSTEM REBOOT...COMPLETE// I follow the Guardian keeping a distance behind them. They are very curious and confused as we all were. Ghost leads them through the walls looking for a jump ship. Lucky for them, this place has plenty of crashed ones. Another scream from up ahead. "Do you think they can handle them? They were just revived…" Coldblood asks spectatly. "They'll be fine. Worse comes to worse I can help them, but if there going to be my champion, they need to learn to fight for themsel-" A loud round of gunshots echo through the hallway. When I look back at where the Guardian was all I see is a pile of Fallen. "Guess they don't need our help," I mutter to my ghost. We follow the Guardian through the hallways, watching them shred any Fallen near them. I have to admit I'm impressed. They also seem to be taking the 'aliens invading the planet' pretty well. One Fallen shots at him and he dodges, the shot hitting me. "Ow…" I say but Coldbloods already healing me. A pipe bursts above the Guardians head and he starts wildly shooting, so I have to duck for a cover. "Guess they're also a psychopath," I whisper to my ghost. When we reach the exit, I turn to Coldblood, "Think he can handle a Walker?" "Don't push it…" but I'm already calling one to the facility. I wait a minute for it to come, and when it does it slams down onto the Guardian crushing them. "Ouch," I say and wince. Coldblood gives me a look as if to say see? Ghost quickly revives them, and the next few minutes we watch them in an epic fight of dodging, shooting, and at the end, explosions. Now it's my turn to look at him saying see?  They race across the grass, shooting enraged Fallen as they go. The Guardian enters an old hangar and there it is, in all its glory, a rusty piece of metal that slightly resembles a jump ship. "Will it fly?" The Guardian asks while his Ghost floats in to examine the condition. Ghost confirms it and he summons the Guardian inside.  "Wait! I need him to come back here after he's done at the Tower!" I quickly begin summoning a Fallen. A big one. "Careful!" Coldblood tells me but, at that moment a Devil Archon climbs through a gap in the wall. The Guardian quickly takes off, leaving the threat behind. That's when our invisibility stops. The Archon's eyes turn toward me and he roars. He starts walking towards me gun in hand. "Bad idea, bad idea!" I say and run. Coldblood disappears as I pull out my gun, Twilight and shoot the Dregs close behind me. I threw a smoke bomb at them but all it did was enrage the big one. I dive behind a Fallen barrier and reload my gun. I can't kill the Archon, he needs to be here when the Gaurdian comes back. I open up a portal, but in my panic I summon it behind the Archon. I sigh and jump out of my cover charging at him in a game of chicken. At the last second I slide between his legs, straight through the portal, ending up in a broom closet at the Tower. A sweeper bot stares at me so I raise my fingers to my lips. I quickly thrust my hand to their forehead, and quickly take their memory. Outside the closet, I lean against the wall as Coldblood materializes next to me. "Told you," he says gently bumping my head. I walk down the path to the main landing zone. I missed the Tower. I await at the Vaults for the Guardian to come. My plan is finally in motion. //ERROR//UNKNOWN TRANSMISSION//IX// II: He found the One. VIII: He must be stopped. IV: There is only one who can stop him. V: We can not bring them back. We will be no better than him. IX: He left us no choice… //ERROR//LOCATION: TANGLED SHORE//LIFESCAN: NONE…1…2..3… LIFE DETECTED//

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