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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
5/15/2021 12:41:47 PM

Felling robbed

I want to make a petition to bring the “vaulted” content back, it’s unfair to the players who were your first supporters, the ones bought the game and later it’s 2 DLC. Independently of reasons such as longer load times and higher storage, it should have been the players choice which DLC’s to keep or not. The worst part? I really enjoyed mercury and I was completely confused, I thought that bungie deviating from activistion would bring better things, but the “battle pass” and F2P market strategy should of been done as separate version like in Fortnite STW and BR as an example. What I’m trying to say, there were many solutions and removing content which we bought just makes me never want to buy from you something again. Even if it’s at +50% off. For what? For it to be deleted 2-3 years later? I don’t see Destiny 2 nearly talking enough about it....

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