hear me out, catalyst makes the chains connect for a further distance and stay longer before exploding, no damage boost or anything because....
Maybe just a little synergy with arc 3.0 would be nice... Or auto-loading.
Something to boost its crowd control potential would be nice.
Bearbeitet von IAGNRG: 6/4/2021 8:08:28 PMJust as Seraphim stated, Auto-Loading is one of my favorite perks and would make this weapon better than it already is.
Sounds like a good option. If I would be able to choose what I want for Anarchy, it would be Auto-Loading Holster. Nothing else, just the weapon reloading itself while stowed.
Kills extend anarchy bolt duration?
Yeah like you could send all your magazine out in a net!
It'll come one day, probably....
LoL it’s gunna get a nerf before it gets a catalyst