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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von Wes: 7/26/2021 3:06:26 PM

Why are recovs and win trading not bannable offenses?

Recovs and win trading are detrimental to the health of the PvP population, specifically Trials. A recovery actively swaps a casual player (who would be practicing in other modes) for a top tier sweatlord in Trials. This makes Trials more and more unappealing as the population dips. And guess what? [i]Several well known streamers have "!recov" as a command in their stream at this very moment[/i]. And nothing has been done even though it is against ToS. And this isn't even mentioning the recovery services that use cheats or win trading to pump out profits faster. Win trading just removes people from the matching pool, and it is done on a huge scale. I have personally reported an entire clan using Bungie's report tool [i]three times[/i] and they're still playing and win trading [i]months later[/i]. I even got a warning on these forums because I posted a link to one of their accounts [i]where they have a 92 K/D in Trials from DDoS wins[/i] and [i]hundreds of wins against no opponents[/i] (win trading). And they're still playing [i]months later[/i]. Why?! And literally two days ago (7/23) Gernader Jake matched a guy who wasn't on his own account. This guy with a 0.8 overall was playing like a 2.0 K/D player, and his match history had a massive amount of flawless cards from win trading on previous weeks, likely from a recovery service win trading to pump out profits more quickly. I can't post a link to the actual cheater of course, but you guys can search through Jake's history and find him quite easily. One of Jake's only losses Friday. My point stands. I have done everything I can as a player to report win trading and recovs, but Bungie has done nothing about it. This is the kinda thing that makes people think Bungie doesn't care about Trials. Care to prove us wrong Bungie? Please. I want to be wrong.

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