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7/31/2021 10:00:40 PM

[PC / OCE] Blob Connoisseurs | Chill PvE + PvP Community | Small clan looking to grow and teach

[b][i]Kia Ora,[/i][/b] We are an NZ/Aus based clan looking for members from within the wider OCE community to join us and help us grow an [u][b]accepting[/b][/u], [u][b]friendly[/b][/u] and [u][b]welcoming[/b][/u] community for [i]casual[/i] and [i]hardcore[/i] gamers alike. Blob Connoisseurs is ran so far by predominantly PvE players/members, but no matter what activities you prefer to participate in, everyone is welcome. From the trials tryhards, to the raid runners, the gambit goons and the exploration experts alike, we wanna have you with us to help us grow our community into a positive powerhouse. We don't have many members and can't promise you we will, but with each new face that tags along, the more opportunities we have to engage and have fun teaching raids, running dungeons, getting rolled in crucible, losing all our motes in gambit and most importantly, giving everyone else flawless on their trials cards. Come join the whanau (thats "family" for you foreigners) and help us grow, teach, have fun and game as a community. Clan link: [url][/url] [quote]How do I join???[/quote] - Simply reply to this post expressing interest is the easiest way - Discord access will be provided in PMs - Bare in mind we are OCE based, so timezones might be an issue for some players outside the region

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