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Bearbeitet von Speaker: 8/5/2021 9:35:28 PM

Boss Battle v2021 rules, and requirements

DAILY reporting for all events is not required an APPROVED OC SHEET is REQUIRED SIGN UPS CAN BE DONE ON THE MOST RECENT POST OF THE #bossbattle2021 tag series. BONUS' APPLIED BY DM. MON_FR 10 am EST post time DAILY EVENT. daily events END at 10 pm EST LAST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH MINI BOSS BATTLE WEEKLY BATTLE POST ON FRIDAY. 1 turn per comment unless otherwise affected COMBAT HEALING AND DEFENSE rules for attacking are at the sole discretion of the player, but the player may only comment an attack once per turn Assisting a player in the most recent comment of someone elses thread causes you to share the damage of the enemies next attack. you still may attack defend or heal in your own player thread. Blocking mitigates damage for one turn by a base of 15% unless otherwise affected. Armor provides a character chosen benefit and DM aproved rating from 1 to 100% cloth- 1% leather 5-10% mail-improvised- 5-20% solid 25-30% magical 5-?% blocking negates the ability to assist, heal, or attack for 1 (comment) turn. RESTRICTIONS FOR CHARACTER CREATION: 1-9999 abilities and weapons may have a potency of up 9999 heal, hit or defense BONUS ABILITIES: SOLE DISCRETION OF THE DM bonus abilities will have 3 categories SECRET- decided upon by the DM, a wildcard. SECRET abilities are privileged, and cannot be revealed to other players. revealing a secret will cause your OC to be summarily executed/suffer painful death. SECRET ABILITIES can be either temporary or permanent. ENVIRONMENTAL- based on the playing field during play, conditions affect performance, and will be anounced at the beginning of play for all OC's who are native, all other suffer a scaling 15% penalty penalty/bonus is shed upon leaving the environment EXTREME- ALL PLAYERS RECEIVE ENVIRONMENT PENALTIES AT THE DISCRETION OF THE DM. Only last in specific cases and GIFTED- Gained through good RP, story beats, or rewarded for completion of weekly minibosses GIFTED abilities last between 1-3 months. RULES REGARDING MAGIC- MAGIC USERS MUST CHOOSE ONE ITEM AS A WEAPON, but then GAIN 4 SPELL SLOTS. ALL MAGIC USERS suffer an OVERHEAT on Magic when one spell is used 3+ times in a row, this means +20% Spell Damage at the cost of LIFE equal to User Vitality for 10 turns, stacking Damage for every OVERHEATED attack CHARACTER TEMPLATE NAME [u]STATS Point Pool: 100[/u] STR(ength) AGI(lity) ALE(rtness) INT(elligence) WIL(lpower) VIT(ality) Divide points to your preference. [u]WEP(ons)[/u] SLOT1 SLOT2 SLOT3 [u]ABI(lities)[/u] SLOT1 SLOT2 [u]CLOTHING/GEAR[/u] HEAD HANDS/ARMS TORSO LEGS FEET [WHAT YOU FIGHT FOR] COMPANIONS ARE AT THE GRACE OF THE DM, and must be given separate limited stats. STR, AGI, VIT, WIL POINT POOL: 60 only one attack, 1-9999 potency IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS CONTACT ME

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  • Bearbeitet von ALIAS-F4LS: 8/8/2021 4:29:06 AM
    Character Profile :Isias Falsus (Dr. False) Stats: STR:12 AGI:16 ALE:14 INT:16 WIL:20 VIT:22 Weaponry: 1. Der Freischütz Rifle: 2000 first six shots 7th 1-9999 depending on rolls and DM (An Anomalous rifle capable of firing rounds that even when missed, will ricochet with the accuracy of a marksman. The seventh round however, is said to be aimed by the devil himself, coated in hellfire) 2. Reality Teather: (temporarily disrupts magic within a certain radius. 2 grace turns with proceeding function relying on rolls to continue) 3. The rack's chain: 200 and -1AGI to target doubling per continuous use. (200,400,800ect. -1,-2,-4ect.) (An object that when given proper strain, causes targets to suffer intense physical pain along all joints possibly leading to crippling of the target's overall mobility) Abilities: 1: walking pathogen: 1 infected patch per movement (due to essentially being a walking disease, False can corrupt the ground he walks on leaving behind a trail of red infected patches on the ground. Patches can be used for A: Summoning an infected/Pursuer, B: a three turn +5 str buff with claw arms (1000 x2 claw strike) C: Recover an amount of HP. (10% per patch) An Infected Patche is consumed with every use. Only one ability can be picked per patch) 2:  The Red Tide (a horrific wall of red with eyes looms over the field. Consumes all patches on the field dealing 500 per patch) Gear: Optional gas mask Gloves with knuckle guards Black armor lined lab coat with vest under Black cut resistant slacks Steel toed boots [The Director, the head of Mantel Corporation,  Dr. False is a man known to make a career out of finding and researching the impossible. Now, with Mantel to provide, the Isias Falsus intends to keep the people safe through defense contracts and assistance in countering threats whether natural or beyond] Companions (One or the other) The Pursuers: STR: 24 AGI: 24 ALE: 5 INT: 1 WIL: 1 VIT: 5 Crazed charge: 1000 (small roach like creatures, Pursuers rush blindly after targets with a vicious bite) Potential infected: STR: 5 AGI: 5 ALE:2 INT:1 WIL:2 VIT:45 Spikey body shield: 500 (typically used for little more than a meat shield, infected tend to have sharp boney protrusions that make melee combat less than pleasant.) [spoiler]I probably got waaaay too complicated making this all up lol[/spoiler]

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    • Rain [u]STATS Point Pool: 100[/u] STR(ength): 1 AGI(lity)15 ALE(rtness)20 INT(elligence)15 WIL(lpower)19 VIT(ality)35 [u]WEP(ons)[/u] [Blood tome] An ancient book found by Rain that temporarily shattered her mind and sanity. It has no true name and no records of it exist. It contains immense power. [Empty] [Empty] [u]Spells[/u] [Lacerator vines] portals open from all around enemies and bloody sharp vines attack the target grabbing and lacerating them or tearing them apart. 4532 potency [Crimson fire] blood red fire appears in Rain's hands and can be thrown in an explosive ball, fired in a concentrated beam, or used as an explosive melee on a target. 6574 potency [Sanguine bond] Rain summons and throws a small low damage dart at an enemy. The target absorbs a portion (10%) of damage dealt to Rain. When Rain directly attacks the target, she is healed for 20% of the damage she deals. 100 potency [Blood rage] A taxing attack, consumes 50% of Rain's composure (will be detailed in abilities) deals very high damage. Portals rapidly open around a target and large spires of Sanguine energy pierce the enemy from each one. At the end of the attack a portal opens and swallows small targets for a turn dealing damage again, on larger targets a massive vine reaches from the portal and grabs the target slowing them down and dealing damage for a turn. 9999 potency [u]ABIlities [/u] Composure: Rain starts with 100 composure points. As Rain gets hit or uses abilities, she loses composure points (5 for every hit) as composure lowers Rain gains a stacking 5% damage buff for every 10 points lost, but gains a chance to miss (caps out at 10% at 50 points lost, 2% for every 10 points) Rain gains 5 composure every other turn When Rain reaches 0 composure, she becomes berserk for 5 turns, then is unable to attack for a turn and her composure resets to 100. When berserk Rain gains a flat 100% damage buff, but attacks all combatants, friend or foe [Will to strength] Rain consumes 10 composure points and restores 5% of her max health and gains a 5% damage buff for her next attack [Bloodbound allies] Rain consumes 25 composure and protects all allies from 50% of the damage they receive the next turn. [u]CLOTHING/GEAR[/u] Head: None HANDS/ARMS: Acro's power glove: can release small blasts of kinetic energy, deal no damage but knock targets back. TORSO: Rain's coat: a dark black duster with pocket dimensions in the pockets, there is a device in the back that allows a teleport every other turn LEGS: Regular black pants. FEET: Black combat boots. Rain is cloaked in magic armor with 20% defense Rain began fighting because of grief when Acro was abducted and imprisoned by the thing pretending to be Nil, now she continues to fight for the thrill of it and to protect the place Acro protected. COMPANION [Ember] STR 3 AGI 19 VIT 19 WIL 19 Attack: Ember fires a beam of Astral energy and gets happy if Rain appears proud of what he did, when this happens Ember's next attack deals 5% more damage and Rain gains 5 additional composure. 5671 potency If Ember is defeated, Rain immediately loses 100 composure. [spoiler]may need to be toned down or made less complicated, not sure.[/spoiler]

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    • [b]Name[/b]: Sumathian "Pigothy" Piggleton II a.k.a. Sumpig [b]Stats[/b] STR ( 20 ) AG ( 20 ) ALE ( 5 ) INT ( 20 ) VIT ( 25 ) WIL ( 10 ) [b]Weapons[/b] 1. Compact Sword [3000/5000]: It’’s original look is a symmetrical dagger. When a button at the hilt is pressed, the blade splits apart and lowers slightly into the hilt. A magic blue blade extends from the hilt and a similar blue guard also forms from the sides of the hilt, forming a glowing blue longsword. [I got a concept picture if you need] - Knife: Physical damage, close quarters - Sword: No physical damage but can cut through metals and barriers, longer range - Both modes weigh the same 2. Modified MG-42 [5,000 dmg/sec]: An MG-42 built with a light but durable material and installed with an advanced cooling unit. It uses drum magazines, which are held in a leather satchel slung across the torso. [Why 5,000?]: Firerate of 25 bullets/sec, each bullet deals 200 dmg. 3. Bandolier of grenades [8000 ea]: A simple bandolier fitted with multiple fragmentation grenades. There may even be more, hidden grenades… [b]Abilities[/b] 1. Gate of Knives [9999]: After snapping, a cluster of 20 knives appear midair shooting like arrows towards the target. Each knife is a titanium throwing dagger. 2. Weight Shift Stance: Temporarily transfers 10 STR points to AG, or vice versa. [b]Armor/Clothing[/b] Head: Metal WWI German helmet [25%]; gray leather gas mask (two glass lenses and single breathing apparatus) [5%] Hands/Arms: Leather gloves [10%]; Simple metal arm guard [25%] Torso: Gray fireproof trench coat [10%]; Small cloth scarf [1%]; Simple metal chest plate [30%] Legs: Grey cargo pants [10%] Feet: Leather boots [10%] [spoiler]Is this okay?[/spoiler] [Pig fights out of boredom and a a slight sentimentality]

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      8 Antworten
      • [b] Name[/b]: Cobalt [b]Stats[/b] STR: 20 AGI: 10 ALE: 15 INT: 25 WIL: 10 VIT: 30 [b]Weapons[/b] 1. Heavy Cannon: Fully Automatic belt-fed machine gun. Effective at most ranges, and hosts the capacity for several upgrades. Currently hosts a tactical scope for powerful shots. 2. Aklex Prime: Semi Automatic Akimbo hand cannons. Hit very hard, and custom modding on Cobalt’s part means they can adapt to a variety of elemental affects (Heat, Tox, Cold, Electricity, or combos of them.) 3. Sewing Sword: Large sewing needle, extremely sharp. Features a cord on the handle that allows Cobalt to use it as a pseudo-grappling hook. Has magical abilities that are currently unknown to Cobalt. [b]Abilities[/b] 1. Energy Shield: Cobalt deploys a rectangular energy shield that absorbs a fair bit of damage. (VIT/2, most likely.) The shield is roughly the size of Cobalt himself. 2. Elemental Swap: Cobalt swaps the modding on his Aklex Prime to change the elemental damage. [b]Armor/Clothing[/b] Head: Custom Holo Pilot helmet, features external reinforcement and an advanced tactical suite, along with CBRN protection and integrated AI housing. Hands/Arms: Custom Holo Pilot armor mixed with Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor. Left gauntlet sports a potentially dangerous parasitic entity, which Cobalt has been unable to remove. Torso: Heavily modified Holo Pilot armor, featuring aspects from Mjolnir armor. Provides pretty good defense against most puncture/blunt impacts. Also includes integrated morphine reservoirs to numb combat pain. Legs: Mjolnir armor, spliced with some other mechanical bits. Allows for wading in potentially hazardous liquids. Feet: Custom combat boots, reinforced with metal. Cobalt fights on behalf of Offtopic, but has steadily begun to favor his own interests, along with the acquisition of materials and technology, rather than using them for the populace’s benefit.

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        • NAME: Araxinus STATS Point Pool: 100 STR: 25 AGI:40 ALE:10 INT:10 WIL:10 VIT:5 Divide points to your preference. WEP SLOT1: Shadow Claws: Claw rigs worn on hands made from shadow energy. Deep cuts cause CORRUPTION, dealing different DPS over time depending on depth of cut. SLOT2: Corrupted Hand Cannon: A hand cannon corrupted by Araxinus. 8 rounds. Causes low CORRUPTION. SLOT3: Machete: A 1’ 3” razor sharp machete. ABI SLOT1: Shadow Warp: Araxinus blasts into the shadow realm and uses it to reappear somewhere nearby. SLOT2: Corruptive Grab: Araxinus uses an iron grip on his opponent and uses his corruptive abilities on them, inflicting CORRUPTION/POISON on them. CLOTHING/GEAR N/A (Shadow Creature) [Araxinus fights for nothing but his own gain.] [spoiler]Are the corruption abilities allowed?[/spoiler]

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        • Bearbeitet von 10 Piece Mcnuggets: 8/5/2021 10:22:37 PM
          Name: Void Stats Str: 30 Agi: 20 Ale: 5 Int: 20 Wil: 10 Vit: 15 Weapons 1. Bone Scourge (HIT 1000): a whip made out of 3 thongs of living living bone. The whip can strike 3 times per attack, as well as grab opponents and throw them for 5000 HIT. Chance to throw is based on current STR (idk how the math would work, maybe you could help with that?) 2. Shards of Decay (HIT 200): Shadow daggers that can be flung a moderate distance, as well as used for melee attacks. Causes damage over time and lowers strength (another part where I need help with the numbers). Enemies killed while poisoned have a 33% chance to be resurrected as a Zombie. 3. Soul Chasm (HIT 0): A portal to a pocket dimension carrying limitless undead souls. Once activated, the next enemy killed becomes a Zombie companion (2 turn cooldown). Abilities (This one may not be allowed so if not tell me) 1. Insatiable Hunger (PASSIVE): Killing enemies fuels Void's growing power. Every kill provides a stacking buff of +2 to STR, AGI and VIT 2. Army of the Night: All heroes in a 50m radius gain a Spectre minion (I still need to think about armor) Companions Zombie STR: 29 AGI: 1 VIT: 29 WIL: 1 Shambling Slash (500 HIT): 33% chance for the Zombie to latch onto the enemy and leech life for it's master Spectre STR: 25 AGI: 20 VIT: 10 WIL: 5 Shadow Bolt (200 HIT): Randomly launches a barrage of 2-5 bolts Void is a combination of a human and a demonic parasite. The human generally tries to fight for what is right, while the demon has it's own shadowy agendas. This puts them at odds with each other, which means they don't always pay attention to what's happening around them.

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