[i]You grinded out the Iron Banner quest, you completed all the bounties, they're in your inventory for the right time to open them. You finish your other pinnacle activities. Oh man, 3 items in the same slot in a row? I'll resort to my bounties[/i] [b]And wham!.. 3 More drops in that same slot, and one +1 drop.[/b]
I think every player who tries to get through the pinnacle grind will at some point experience something like it. It builds so much frustration for a lot of people and it seems like there's so many ways to tackle this. First of all if anyone from Bungie were to read this, is this already something you're working on? Did you mention it in a TWAB or a tweet? If so, I missed it and there's no reason you read further.
This is coming from someone who has no experience coding a game or managing balancing, so I guess I might also be ignorant, but:
[b]Solution A:[/b] Could simply be that you cannot get a pinnacle drop in the same slot your last pinnacle dropped in. This could still slow the progress if that's what's needed, but still have enough frustration to keep somewhat near this experience. E.g "Just got a helmet, gun, ANOTHER HELMET? UGH." You may get into the cycle of 1-2-1-2 but that seems like it'd be a rather occurrence than our current system.
[b]Solution B:[/b] The determined grind, simply letting the pinnacle constantly drop in whatever slot needs it the most. Granted there is one, or it'll be randomly determined between the ones that are equal, this could even be with random outliers if the "Ugh" feeling needs to be kept. A 75% chance of getting in your lowest slot as an example. This may not be sustainable depending on how long Bungie wants to stretch the potential of pinnacle grind.
[b]Solution C:[/b] Focused pinnacles? One of the greatest parts about doing Prophecy is knowing you get an armor piece. Having a set drop for most of the activities at least engages whoever is in the pinnacle grind to do one thing or the other first, and rewards them for grabbing it in the right order. Obviously something like the raid is more interesting with random drops for encounters. And could have a weekly rotation for what the pinnacles actually drop.
[b]Solution D:[/b] Deez n- Focused focused pinnacles. Simply have pinnacles drop as engrams available for focusing like umbrals.
[b]Solution E:[/b] Prime engrams being converted to pinnacle +1's. This shortens the potential grind, but gives something to actually strive towards on a daily basis, despite having finished all weekly pinnacle activities. They could be made more rare as well, but also lessens the frustration on someone who has gotten repeat pinnacle drops that week.
[b][u]TLDR;[/u][/b] The pinnacle grind can be frustrating as all hell some weeks and a streamlined version of it would be greatly appreciated by a lot of the people where RNG frowns upon them.
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