I play on my laptop with a controller and always placed in a lobby in crucible against other steam players, regardless if it is a keyboard and mouse player or controller. This creates a large reaction time and movement speed gap between the players, especially when playing trials. If we could go into matchmaking with a selected input type (controller/keyboard and mouse) the players would find better suited lobbies for their preference. Please consider this change.
and where is the problem? controller on pc and new gen is the ez mode
The problem with this idea, while good intentioned, is that it can be very easily abused. Say I was playing with a game pad on PC and chose to play with console players instead of other PC players. As soon as the matchmaking/loading begins, I could just quickly switch to K&M and have a massive advantage over every other player in the lobby.
Sorry. That's a condition of competition. Once you decided to play on PC, then you accepted that M&K is the standard input devices. Which means you will be at a significant disadvantage in terms of aiming accuracy....and the ability to make sharp changes in direction. But you will have an advantage in terms of being able to move smoothly and travel in curves. IOW. You'd be better using your energy to develop a play style that leverages what controllers are better at compared to M&K. So back up. Fight at range.
No. Steam with steam. Console with console.
Controllers have a ridiculous amount of aa lmao
How can ps5 players use mouse and keyboard?? If you’re on console you should only be able to use a controller.. cheats
[quote]I play on my laptop with a controller and always placed in a lobby in crucible against other steam players, regardless if it is a keyboard and mouse player or controller. This creates a large reaction time and movement speed gap between the players, especially when playing trials. If we could go into matchmaking with a selected input type (controller/keyboard and mouse) the players would find better suited lobbies for their preference. Please consider this change.[/quote] People could easily abuse that system...
Maybe an optional match make, but then they would need to change it so it locks your input type like COD does. I use controller and find crucible to be fine on PC.
Mouse and Keyboard has much more precision than controller. Turn off aim assist on both and MnK wins everytime. Input-Based matchmaking would most definitely be a welcome change.
Bearbeitet von Infamous067: 9/29/2021 11:11:45 PMNo I’m sorry but get good, I’ve been playing with a controller on pc since I made the switch 2 years ago. I didn’t complain about the gap, I adapted by using traction and maximizing my sens in order to compete. I was forced to get so good that I eventually started facing sweaty streamers like ifrostbolt and SirD. SirD is not really sweaty but man the guy is insanely good at this game. Ive done it, I maintain a K.D.A of over 2.3 with just a controller. I even went flawless ever since cross play became a thing! I literally carried my console buddies to flawless even though every single team we faced were mouse and keyboard. Im just saying that instead of asking for your games to be easy, why don’t you adapt instead? Also a feature like the one you want could easily be exploited. There are far too many ways to exploit this game when it gets to inputs.
Pc is pc
I agree 100%. They should enabled keyboard and mouse on consoles and then match make based on input device. Not console. There’s really no excuse for fps not to have K&M support these days even if they are on console.
I have no problem playing against mnk with controller. Every advantage the one has over the other I feel like is balanced fine.
I agree.
I agree, especially on console.
Love this idea, huge quality of life change.
Large? Man this game does so much of the hard work for both inputs it doesn’t matter
I play with a controller on a laptop. I don't have any issues. Using M&K would require a lot more practice for me after all these years of console gameplay.
[quote]I play on my laptop with a controller and always placed in a lobby in crucible against other steam players, regardless if it is a keyboard and mouse player or controller. This creates a large reaction time and movement speed gap between the players, especially when playing trials. If we could go into matchmaking with a selected input type (controller/keyboard and mouse) the players would find better suited lobbies for their preference. Please consider this change.[/quote] Definitely should be controller vs controller regardless of platform same for m&k