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Bearbeitet von Times Vengeance: 11/22/2021 7:08:50 PM

Ninjas are…

Horrible, I hate them






Great, the best thing ever


Please don't ban this, this is just a post to see what people think about ninjas. I never said anything bad about ninjas in this post, I just want to see people's opinions. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been updated with tags that are more appropriate. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • Well i am not against the idea of ninjas i do think it is not setup right i am not trying to be disrespect fall but i do think ninjas r at times a bit to fast to banne posts and do not allways think first i think ninjas need a bit more of a limit on what thea can banne you for different people have different opinions about what is disrespectfall and what is not different ninjas have different opinions on what is disrespectfall and what is not so we need a rule to say what is disrespectfall and what is not we do not have thet rules need to be fair to every one but if a players makes a post on munday saying bungie is wrong or makeing fun of people and its reported but not banned but then on Tuesday a different player makes a post saying bungie is wrong and makeing fun of people and it is reported and banned thets unfair and the ninjas tell you publicy on the forums thet your post is banned but if you as on the forum y you have had your post banned the ninja tells you you cant ask publicy thet gives a bad message so a bit of change need but ninjas can be a good thing not all ninjas r good not all ninjas r bad

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