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2/27/2022 6:26:09 AM

Stat Trackers specifically for Career are bugged

I am not going to check the accuracy of every single stat being displayed, but a few very VERY clear issues are visible, for example, I play a hefty amount of gambit, I have dredgen and 2 gildings in it, specifically having the title, which required malfeasance, which as everyone knows requires many banked motes, well for career motes banked, I am at 0... flat 0, "never banked a mote", I banked over 3000 last season and already have over 500 this season, yet my "career gambit motes banked" sits at 0, same with blockers defeated, primevals defeated and as another weird stat not being displayed, destinations doesn't seem to have my flawless clear of prophecy on its "prophecy flawless completions" tracker, this one is much less major to me personally, I just love gambit and wanna show off my crazy amount of motes banked, so if you are reading this first of all thank you for reading and secondly please see if this is can be fixed. I would be happy to do whatever I can on my part to provide information about this issue

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