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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
9/8/2022 11:29:44 PM


Congrats Bungie!!! You had about the best match making I have seen in this game in quite a few years. Then along came the crying and complaining by the sweats and you changed it again. Of course just in time for Iron Banner to be a disappointing mess. Good job. 👍 So now every match is dominated by one or two people on a team, there is no catching up if you're team is behind. And for what a few seconds difference in matching time, give me a break. Also in a different but related topic has anyone on your dev team ever even shot a shotgun? Because accuracy in a full out sprint should not be possible, accuracy while sliding should not be possible. Shooting a shotgun and instantly being able to land a melee should not be possible. Maybe here is some valuable feedback... Put the matchmaking back to the way it was, stop catering to the smallest percentage of your players. Also remove shotguns from this game mode until you learn how they actually function.

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