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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
11/13/2022 4:38:32 AM


Is it just me or is it completely stupid that it's been years and there's still no regular matchmaking for raids? I haven't been able to join anyone and haven't been able to play one raid because no one wants someone with no mic. I literally don't even care what the dumb excuse is "oh, you need a mic to communicate" THEN WHY DID YOU EVEN PUT TEXT CHAT IN THE GAME? Guided games doesn't work, finding a fire team on this app is impossible, and I literally don't want to hear "oh I'll be willing to help you" it shouldn't have to come down to that. Bungie quit your games and let us be able to just randomly join. You ask why your player base leaves all the time but then you demand that the people find a team themselves. IM ANTI SOCIAL. It's hard at all for me to communicate let alone talk to anyone so how am I supposed to find a game? You literally fixed this issue for nightfall but than you don't do the same for the most fun part of the game? Why would restrict people from playing your game when you already restrict so many people from playing your game. It makes no sense just add it in. There's literally no reason why you guys are hiding matchmaking besides the fact that it's to make the game "feel" more impossible. I don't get it. None of my friends play destiny, because there's no one to play the raids with! Look if the excuse is that you could get thrown into a game already far in the raid, maybe you should just make regular matchmaking with randoms that start only fresh raids! Jesus! I don't even work for you guys and I just solved your player base crisis by 90%

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  • Only if there is a spectator mode so I can watch the chaos 🍿

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  • [quote]Is it just me or is it completely stupid that it's been years and there's still no regular matchmaking for raids? I haven't been able to join anyone and haven't been able to play one raid because no one wants someone with no mic. I literally don't even care what the dumb excuse is "oh, you need a mic to communicate" THEN WHY DID YOU EVEN PUT TEXT CHAT IN THE GAME? Guided games doesn't work, finding a fire team on this app is impossible, and I literally don't want to hear "oh I'll be willing to help you" it shouldn't have to come down to that. Bungie quit your games and let us be able to just randomly join. You ask why your player base leaves all the time but then you demand that the people find a team themselves. IM ANTI SOCIAL. It's hard at all for me to communicate let alone talk to anyone so how am I supposed to find a game? You literally fixed this issue for nightfall but than you don't do the same for the most fun part of the game? Why would restrict people from playing your game when you already restrict so many people from playing your game. It makes no sense just add it in. There's literally no reason why you guys are hiding matchmaking besides the fact that it's to make the game "feel" more impossible. I don't get it. None of my friends play destiny, because there's no one to play the raids with! Look if the excuse is that you could get thrown into a game already far in the raid, maybe you should just make regular matchmaking with randoms that start only fresh raids! Jesus! I don't even work for you guys and I just solved your player base crisis by 90%[/quote] Raids require communicating. Text chat can work for some, but not for most. A match made team would struggle to do the opening to most raids and next to none would be able to complete one. Want to raid? Try lfg. Plug in a mic.

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