I used to be a really active Destiny player (mostly pvp tho). With Forsaken, I actually thought that Bungie was trying to make the game fun and succeeded in it. After that every single change made the game play worse and less fun in pvp. It almost feels like Bungie is desperately trying to make it worse, and this not meant as an insult, this is how it feels. Because if youd have just neglected pvp since then, it would be in a better state right now. It is not hard to improve pvp and certainly not a question whether or not Bungie has the resources to do so; making the game worse the way bungie does takes the exact same amount of work. To me it feels like a deliberate choice, which is kinda sad, as many people liked the pvp aspect much more than competitors like cod. Right now, pvp is in the worst state it has ever been in. The meta is passive and has a low skillgap, making games feel repetitive, boring and annoying. The choice of modes, with sbmm forced on every gamemode makes this even worse for at least half of the playerbase. Sbmm also makes up for laggy, passive and boring lobbies. Bungie is also fully aware of that, as most sane people would just leave passive lobbies, so they introduced a quitting penalty in a casual playlist (cant think of any other game thats has done that). The competitve mode doesnt make sense, as a ladder based system naturally would need ladder based matchmaking. That means two players of completely different skill level could be at the same rank, with one playing much easier opponents than the other.
Honestly, I have given up on this game. I rarely play and whenever I do, It get sad, because of what this game used to be. And the worst part is that I think it’s done on purpose, for a reason I do not understand. Anyone who has ever been a more pvp oriented player in any game couldve told Bungie that 99% of their recent additions and changes to pvp suck. I do not expect any response to this, as feedback on pvp has been ignored for years. The amount of things wrong with this game at the moment is incredible, but changing this would be an easy task, yet Ive lost all hope that it will ever happen.
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