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Destiny 2

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7/23/2023 6:49:08 PM

Character Creation DESPERATELY NEEDS an Update

I am far from the first person to have said or suggested this and I get this is nowhere near the top of the devs to-do list but, D2 Character Creation DESPERATELY needs an update. Some general thoughts on improvements: - Obviously the ability to respec character appearance. Players have wanted this feature for ages, we shouldn't have to delete our characters to change their appearance. Many of us would love to take off our helmets, if some of us weren't irritated, embarrased, or cringing by the cosmetic choices we made in the past. - The ability to rotate our characters in the Character Creation menu. This may seem like a silly feature, but it has a signifcant purpose in that it allows the player to see what different hairstyles look like from behind. Some hairstyles look great from the front but horrible in the back whej runningaroundthe Tower we spend a lot of time looking at the back of character's heads, this also plays into why players keep their helmets on at all times. - Available war paint styles shouldn't be exclusive to race & gender. Currently there are face paints which are exclusive to males & females for each race, at the very least each race should have access to all the unique war paint designs for that race. - Available hair styles shouldn't be exclusive to race and gender. This mostly pertains to Humans and Awoken, hairstyles options could esily be shared between the two, they both use the exact same hair color palette I don't see why they'd need to be different. It would be even better if male & female hairstyles were shared as well, not certain if this would be so simple however, given the differences between the male & female models. - Some brand new hair styles, war paints, eye colors, skin tones options would be nice overall. We've had the exact same customization options since D1, so we're long overdue for some new options. - More variety for the Awoken. While Humans and Exo's already have some wonderful diversity and overall customization options, the Awoken fall well behind the other two. Now this might just be me and my graphics, but almost half of the Awoken eye colors options are just different shades of blue, two of which look nearly identical. Also most of Awoken skin tones are incredibly similar to one another and among them only two really stand out, meanwhile the each of the Human skin tones are fairly distinctive from one another. Furthermore, at risk of saying something triggering, why are the Awoken limited to mostly pale skin tones? I get their whole concept is space elves/space adapted Humans, but even the regular Humans have better diversity options than the Awoken do. So if lore-wise Bungie means to say that of 40,000 passengers aboard the Exodus Green, there was almost no racial diversity whatsoever, or that when Mara determined what the Awoken could and couldn't be her choice included no truly dark skin tones and wildest they could go is a mild green and and semi dark purple, than I am just straight up disappointed in you Bungie. That's all I have, but I am curious what are some other changes people would want to see for D2 character creation?

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