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Destiny 2 wird aus geplanten Wartungsgründen morgen offline sein. Bleibt mit @BungieHelp auf dem Laufenden.


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1/12/2024 3:24:07 AM

Claimed Legacy on EGS but can't access DLCs

As the title says, I claimed the Legacy Collection for free on Epic Games, connected my account on Bugee's website and enabled cross-save (I used to play on Steam with no DLCs). On that site it still says I don't have them on Epic, and in-game it still asks me to purchase them when I try to start a quest from the included DLCs. On the Epic launcher I don't have a "Manage Add-Ons" option, only "Manage" (where I verified the files) and "Explore Add-Ons" (which sends me to the store). What can I do to have access to these DLCs?

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