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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
2/28/2024 11:37:19 AM

Why no mention of cheating?

I appreciate the new changes for PvP but why does Bungie go out of their way to avoid the cheating issues in their game when it comes to PvP? They can do everything else BUT address the cheating issues that plague this game and NEVER address them which is not healthy in the overall outcome. The blatant cheating of mod pack users who get away with using M&K on console has become a serious issue but still no word from Bungie on this issue, not even a peep. As players we should expect a certain protection from this and rightly so since we pay one of the most expensive fees to get seasonal content not to mention one of the absolutely absurd fees for cosmetic items that most other games give for free as appreciation for just taking time to play their games. Destiny is probably the most unique PvP experience that you will ever get to play but for some reason Bungie refuses to protect you as a player from cheating. You can watch these cowards constantly cheat every weekend in Trials or in comp without repercussions while apparently PvE has a very strict get banned for life instantly policy. Where is the protection from this for us from the continuous cheating? Why are these players not permanently removed from the game, their PC’s or consoles not completely banned? Why are the gamer tags not plastered all over to give players a heads up of who they are? It’s almost like Bungie promotes it by not doing anything while claiming they do but in the process not doing anything at all. I hate to say it but by doing nothing Bungie has not only alienated their core base of PvP players but encouraged cheaters to ruin the experience by not taking action. Battle Eye was supposed to be the end of cheaters but instead has proven to do nothing more than be a good excuse or even a really bad excuse because cheating is not only the reason players don’t play PvP but run from it. I really hope I’m wrong about everything I’ve written but the lack of acknowledgment from Bungie on this subject doesn’t help. The makers of the mod packs not only violate Bungie’s term of service by allowing the functionality they provide but cheapen the experience of those of us who want fair games so where are the lawsuits from Bungie against them? Until Bungie acknowledges this issue and shows they take it seriously I’m going to continue to think they have no intention of caring about it because to be honest I don’t think they do.

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  • Bearbeitet von Kiro - 13: 2/29/2024 12:53:45 AM
    They cant really ban 3rd party devices at this point in time because it would severely impact player population. That would possible force a Sony take over. 29k active players on steam lets round it to 30k. Multiply it by 3 for xbox and playstation. 90k total between all platforms. Lets also conservatively we assume 5% of the player base is using program cheats(aimbot & wall hack) and net limiter shenanigans, then 10% are on 3rd party devices. Again these are conservative numbers & are likely alittle higher in reality(by 2-5%). The over all player base drops from 90k to 765000 players. The console player base will drop to 51k from 60k. The steam population goes to 25500 from 30k. Its simple Bungie CANT ban these users because they need them so they don't default on their Sony contract that would force a take over. The player population needs to recover before they take any action.

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