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Destiny 2

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Bearbeitet von Shuyahh: 4/29/2024 8:45:54 AM

Onslaught loot is as crappy as before the patch

I had previously criticized Onslaught loot in this forum. Now that patch came, "improving" Onslaught loot. Here's the most relevant quote from the patch notes: "Adjusted reward drops to ensure a guaranteed weapon drop within a 50-wave run and an additional bonus weapon drop upon completion of wave 50 in any difficulty." First of all, the patch notes do not mention better chances for shiny weapons. You just get *one* guaranteed additional weapon drop in a 50 wave run, and another guaranteed one upon completion. In other words: You get two extra weapon drops guaranteed. Nothing more. No better changes for shiny weapons. Which is just laughable, given how much extra effort that requires compared to an easy legendary wave 10 farm. And that's Bungie's conclusion of "people farm the wave 10 boss because running additional waves aren't worth it." Which proves my previous point: That the responsible activity designers at Bungie in a way (related to activity design) - or the people giving them directions - apparently are unwilling (or too dumb?) to figure what is wrong here, and how to really improve it. I had criticized them before for the abysmal loot you are getting from Onslaught, and I was and still am right on the point. Bungie looks like a bunch of petty, narrow minded, stingy people who just cannot figure how decent rewards for such an activity could look like, and definitely not bringing it over themselves to hand such rewards out. That start's with literally 99% (if not more) of the perk combos you get being crap. It continues with (at least in my case) attuned weapon drops being the minority among all the guns I get from Onslaught. And it ends with not handing out a shiny brave weapon at least when completing wave 50 on legend, and maybe giving it a 33% or 50% chance for normal wave 50 completions. Bottom line: The "improvement" of Onslaught loot is negligible, worthless and nothing more than a fig leaf to make people believe Bungie actually did listen to them. They didn't, not in a sense that would cause a significant improvement in favor of the players; Only in a sense that they try to hide how crappy their loot (still) is and how unwilling they still are to change that. They are basically trying to mislead the players into believing they would listen and improve things. This is btw. how I know Bungie from the first days of Destiny 1. Let me add that I am playing this game since the week Destiny 1 was released, and this has never changed: The pettiness of Bungie, their being full of themselves, dictating players how to play "their" game, fixing bugs helping the players within days, while ignoring those causing problems for the players for months. I still remember the bug where you couldn't kill the Praetorian in VoG at Atheon in the past or future areas (Mars or Venus), while Bungie was quick to fix Atheon being killed by luring and pushing him over the edge of the boss arena. And this goes on and on and on. Lackluster rewards, high chances for crap rolls and low chances for good ones, perks and perk combos that do not make sense. This game has been coded sloppily through and through. "Quality" is a term that must cause Bungie employees seizures when they only hear it. And if you care to know: I am an SW dev and SW project manager with QA training with a couple decades of professional experience; Thankfully not in the gaming industry which is a mess of arrogance, greed and exploiting their employees to the extent of making them sick. I know a thing or two about SW development and QA, and just from looking at how Bungie conducts themselves and looking at their software, I can already tell what's going wrong there, and has been going wrong since the conception of this game. Not even going to get started on higher Bungie management and their attitude. Just so much: It means something if a high Sony representative *publicly* criticizes Bungie's top management. Usually you keep things among yourselves at that level of company hierarchy.

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