I honestly don't understand why they removed the spec mods.
From what i heard by my friend is that they removed them because it gave people to little choices.
Now if that is true, then how does removing the only pve mods help ? So instead of Minor, Major, Boss or Taken spec, we now got a choice between nothing or backup mag. Wow what an improvement.
They didn't even have the curtesy to buff backup mag and make it actually useful, getting around 2-5 more bullets in the mag, is just pathetic and won't do anything for you.
Bungie acknowledge an issue and instead of being big boys and resolving this issue by giving us more options, they instead went with the easy way of removing all mods for pve.
" I didn't become a game developer to program and work on a game" - Bungie statement.
There was nothing wrong with those specs, apart from them giving you a little to small of a buff.
The consequence that came with the removal of the specs, is that the Adept weapons are now way less desirable for pve players. The only thing that gave Adept weapons that small edge over the normal version, was the Adept mods.
Even then, it was just the special and heavy weapons that benefited from the Adept mods.
This and i would say all of the other changes, felt like they were made for the sake of making changes over the need for it, and that is a sure way to put you on the path of self destruction.
I never heard anyone complaining about the spec mods and how they restrict their choices and how they wished it was out of the game. If you are going to remove the pve mods, then also do it for the pvp ones. At least then it would have been less of a slap in the face to me as a pve player.
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