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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
Bearbeitet von Kagemorou: 6/24/2024 2:33:53 PM

Either I experienced a glitch or somebody likes me.

Let's try this again. So I have the premium season pass. Awesome. Trouble is, I didn't pay premium money [i]for[/i] said pass. Or any money, really.. outside of the $50 or so that I spent on the standard edition. Now I usually [i]do[/i] drop the hundo on that sweet, sweet deluxe edition, but I'm a little light in the ol' pockets this time around thanks to annoying things like food... rent... medical bills and the like. So while I'm just pleased as punch that I seemed to be graced by this bounty, I'm not sure where it's come from. Now I like free stuff as much as the next person, what Guardian doesn't? But I didn't [i]earn[/i] this payout. Doesn't sit right with me not knowing what happened and I'm sure it wouldn't sit right with Bungie known' someone got what they didn't deserve and didn't have the good graces to tell 'em. TL/DR: I didn't pay for the Premium Battle Pass, got it anyways.

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