Just getting back into destiny since before enabling crossplay. Got the message in game about the name change but if I remeber correctly it said go to the bungie.net site to change your name an then assigned me a standard "Guardian####" name. I went to bungie.net to change my name, clicked save changes and nothing happened. Tried a different name still no luck. Like it's stuck.
Any ideas? TIA
Hello there[url=https://tuxydoh.com/images/hi.gif],[/url] A name reset to default like that means it was reported, reviewed by Bungie and reset to"Guardian####", that indicates that some part of the name broke the [url=https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Legal/CodeOfConduct]Code of Conduct[/url] or the [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/7648312251284-Bungie-Name-Guide]Bungie Name Policy[/url], was filtered, and [b]can no longer be used. When that happens, you get the new name cross play message in-game as notice of the name change. You can try a different name if you have not previously changed it.[/b] If the system is not allowing more changes, there is no way to override it. What names have you tried thus far?
Hi there, thank you for your report. Please be sure to have available tokens to changes your name. Errors may arise if your name is taken or conflicts with our code of conduct.