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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
8/21/2024 1:04:50 AM

Weapon Crafting/Enhancement

This is going to be long, but I don't think good feedback can be only a few sentences. I think the introduction of weapon perk enhancement on non-craftable and Adept weapons has been great. What I think needs to be changed is endgame weapons should not be craftable. Weapons from Raids should not be craftable, but should be able to be enhanced. I think adding enhancements to Adept weapons has been great because it makes them more valuable than just normal variants. I think crafting is actually a good thing, but just not for the endgame loot. Crafting should be left to planetary weapons (Neomuna, the pale heart, moon, etc.) and seasonal weapons (Including reprised). Last year was kind of baffling that Defiance had craftable reprised, but Deep and Witch didn't then Wish did. Please be consistent with that in the future, if you bring back more reprised weapons. If the reprised weapons aren't craftable, then do what you have done this season with Dawn weapons and make them enhanceable and retroactively make Deep and Witch reprised weapons have that. I think that the simpler season activities should be able to craft weapons. Though I think that not all random world drops should have enhancements, since they are just world drops, even if they have some good perk combos. This is just my stance on open world drops. The problem I have found is that once you get the weapon patterns from raids, nobody really wants to do them anymore because you don't have to chase the roll. So, having them only be able to get enhancements would bring back that chase. It would make getting that weapon to drop with the rolls you want feel that much more special. Having this in all endgame activities (GMs, Raid, Trials, Dungeons) should be the standard and I see that the blueprint has been laid out for that. Artifice armor is another thing that should be rewarded in Master raids and GMs too, and that the minimum roll should be base 65, but that's another discussion. I do understand that raids that already have patterns in them won't be able to be taken away because they have already been established, But, adding enhanceable weapons in VoG and GoS (With potential new perks), all with bringing back the old raids, that were taken away from us, with new enhanceable weapons would be amazing. I know game size would be bigger, but at this point most people would like the old content back too. I know that this was a long feedback post, but I think it hits on several key things about crafting and enhancement, that could be refined and provide a better gameplay/feedback loop.

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