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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
9/10/2024 6:05:47 PM

Let's talk about Dungeon Keys

Specifically, I want to address locking game progression behind $20 dungeon keys when we already paid $40 for the expansion. - You cannot advance beyond Guardian Rank 8 without spending $40 for two dungeon keys. - Not to mention the sheer greed behind charging $20 for Dungeon exclusive items that are supposed to be a part of your[b] $40 expansion[/b]. The audacity to charge people for dungeon keys [b][u]after you DELETE (sorry, SuNsEt) content that they already paid for[/u][/b]. Does anyone here remember [b][i]The Curse of Osiris, Warmind, Forsaken Campaign, Tangled Shores, The Black Armory [u]annual pass[/u], Scourge of the Past raid[/i][/b]??? ALL PAID CONTENT THAT I PAID FOR. Bungie just shamelessly deleted all of it and has the audacity to demand that I pay [b]more [/b]in order to continue playing because I can no longer play the stuff that I already paid for! How has nobody filed a class action lawsuit against Bungie yet? It's not a surprise that your company is going down the sh___er with such a complete lack of business ethics. I will definitely be looking into a class action.

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