What you call depressing I call relaxing
Give the ship a jukebox so you can select an theme unlocked by playing. Love that feature in Death Stranding
I like it. Really helps me contemplate whether or not I should Que up again or do my homework
That new hopeful music is in there too. Gotta balance it out
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - alt
Wish it was “Journey” from the Red War campaign, or a variation of that. -
Bearbeitet von The Hermit IX: 9/14/2024 1:32:55 PMI’m a huge fan of D2s music but I agree. It’s more reflective than it is melancholy though. It’s like I’m waiting to be seated at one of my favorite restaurants and asking my wife if my tie looks ok.
DSL stays
The newest one that always plays that came with Final Shape sounds a lot more repetitive than all the others if you know what I mean. It got old after the first few plays.
No. I like Deep Stone Lullaby. I like it when it's there. Unless we're talking bout the final shape.
People have complained about other orbit musics and that is probably one of my least favorite ones. It doesn't go with losing PvP matches very well.
I actually really like all the orbit music.
I have music off for 90% of my destiny 2 game time. I've just heard my ship in space.
Deep Stone Lullaby from Beyond Light? To be honest, it's one of my favorite tracks from the post Marty O'Donnell era. Although I would like to have more variety with the selections that are played while in orbit.
The music is so beautiful and feels amazing to listen to before gearing up. Many different feelings come out of music, and I understand we all experience life differently. I understand what you mean.
I find it relaxing
D1 orbit music was best
I want the D1 orbit music to come back. It’s very relaxing and always gave an air of something greater and beyond yourself. D1 felt endless, even if it were limited in size.
If anyone with any sense managed Bungie, there would simply be a jukebox option where you can choose the orbit music from a list of options.
I'm fine with orbit music but the HELM music needs to change. It's so chaotic and imo it should be relaxing place to be.
View From Orbit is fawsome, don't disrespect it!
Yeah, usually the audio team nails it but dude, that -blam!- sucks. Either let us toggle the Classic orbit music or just buy the rights to the minecraft background music
I love it when Athanasia is playing.
Bearbeitet von Ghostfire239: 9/14/2024 10:06:21 PMI prefer the one during Witch Queen. Honestly I wish you could pick from the menu soundtracks.
I sometimes awake while still in orbit, not doing a single activity! Very hypnotizing at my age, hell it don’t take much!
The one from witch queen?