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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
9/20/2024 12:19:45 AM

Please don't bring back a new power band cap

Please, kindly reconsider adding this. It's just a nuisance, and with the rng of drops, you can and will be potentially stuck at the same level for weeks on end because the game wouldn't give you a class item/boots or whatever the case may be. If it MUST return for some reason or another, please add in a way to either focus or have they game weigh in what you're still missing as a pity system. Thanks for looking, Cheers

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  • Bearbeitet von Exileant: 9/20/2024 2:30:24 PM
    😾I would have to quit again if they brought back a power cap. Power caps are not fair at all. Grinding for prize Angel Harps are too time-consuming and life draining. It took me 2 weeks and 100+ runs of Ruin to get my Perfect Dragoncult. Too many hours just to hunt 1 item.... The simplest thing to do if people want access to the old weapons is put them back in the loot pool or create a special mission that possibly awards litterally everything ever made in the game. That way, there are no complaints. But the novelty of HUNTING this stuff dies very fast and makes people who already have it see that continuing to play is pointless because it will eventually be taken away in some form. Reward the players who were here, do not punish them. We endured that punishment to see this day right here! I love using my old stuff in my sets. Even though I can likely replace most of it with a more powerful variation, there is nothing like making use of trophies. For me, it is literally the core of the game.

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  • With the exception of the current season, it's frequently been the class gear slot for me. Never understood why though..........

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