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Destiny 2

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10/22/2024 10:10:12 PM

Vesper Host : Code "42XX" is a Leg Armor Piece. (Only Warlock)

Since the third reset (third week) after Vesper's Host, I have been [u]unable to obtain[/u] the [u]Warlock [/u]class item. On my [u]Titan[/u] and [u]Hunter[/u], I [i]successfully[/i] obtained their class items on the first attempt during the first week. After that, I switched to my [u]Warlock[/u] and attempted to get the class item, but instead, I received a leg armor piece. In the second week, I put the code 42XX again, but received another leg armor piece, even though I followed the same process as before. This week (third reset), I did 42XX again. While I saw a notification that an item was added to my inventory, it did not display what it was. However, the class item is still [u]grayed[/u] out in my collections, leading me to believe I received yet another leg armor piece instead of the class item. I have done all quest steps on my Titan, which shouldn't matter because i got it on my Hunter normaly. Any help? Anyone else with this issue?

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