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11/10/2024 5:59:53 AM

Disconnects isolated to Neomuna?

Okay so, I have never had disconnection issues with D2, but recently the past three days I've been having issues specifically only with Neomuna. It randomly freezes all enemies and their health bars (but not me nor other players) and then gives me an error code-less disconnect telling me my connection is unstable - even sometimes throwing me back to orbit. It's not all that big of an issue, though I had several of these happen in a row RIGHT before completing Terminal Overload: LH that was driving me absolutely CRAZY, but I got lucky and my next try (after five) I got put into a game on the last boss again and got it done. I'm genuinely sure this isn't my connection. I've ran several diagnostics trying to find an issue (and couldn't), and tested out multiple areas while this was happening. It is genuinely isolated to only there. All the other planets are fine, as well as content playlists, and campaign missions - including ones in Neomuna and Neptune overall. I watched my network while I played and despite it saying my connection was having a problem, it never dropped. Discord and YouTube also ran perfectly fine when this happened on another attempt, which are usually the first things to go when my net drops. Is this a Destiny 2 servers thing or is this something I can look into on my end to stop?
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