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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
12/4/2024 6:41:49 AM

Nightfall and Destination Emblems Should Be Available to Earn

For those unaware, there exists two categories of emblems which are impossible to earn currently (as far as I'm aware), despite some of the activities that reward(ed) them still being present in-game. The first is the Nightfall category, which were randomly rewarded by completing Nightfall Strikes pre-Shadowkeep. Their drop chance may have been effected by reaching a certain score threshold, but I never found that this guaranteed the drop. The second is the Destination category, most of which involve random chance drops from old destination chests (vanilla D2 planets), and the rest were either from vendor rank-ups, now granted for free at said vendors (obviously sunset vendors aren't there to claim them from), or were yet again random chance drops from certain activities such as Escalation Protocol, Warmind Node unlocks, and Tangled Shore Public Events. I think all of the year 1 and 2 Nightfalls should have their emblems (and cosmetic drops) reinstated, earnable based on Completion Score. Plus maybe make the "After The Nightfall" Emblem earnable again, since it was seemingly a completely random drop which many people who seemingly fulfilled the requirements did not receive. Another thing to consider are curated +updated versions of Nightfall specific weapons that can be pulled from collections and drop when completing that specific GM. And as an aside, strike themed cosmetic sets (such as a Bracus Zahn themed Ship, Ghost Shell, and Shader for example) would be really cool too. Secondly, I think most destination Emblems that aren't currently available to players should be purchasable or earnable through some means. Having collected some chests, ranked up a vendor, or completed certain events and getting lucky isn't exactly prestigious, so I don't think this would upset anyone. Also, the Red Legion emblems should be earnable since they just came from heroic story missions

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