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12/9/2024 4:23:02 PM

Raid Clan Recruiting: Simulation Theory

🙌 Our primary goal is to ensure efficient raid completion with clan members. Our members are generally friendly (93% of the time 🤪) and we are very passionate about Destiny 2. 🫡 Our admin team has kept the clan active for over 5 years and we are committed to continuing that streak. 🚢 [b]We run a tight ship:[/b] • Discord use is mandatory • No rage quitting • Attend all raids While we focus on raids, we don’t prioritize speed runs or low-man challenges. 👥 [b]Team Dynamics[/b]: Specialized teams for challenging content, otherwise play together. 📋 [b]Requirements:[/b] • Be at least 21 • Complete 150 full raid clears • Complete 10 full clears on all available raids • Platinum Speed Rank • Conquerer title 🚫 No checkpoint farmers 🚫 No add clear only raiders 🎟️ Share your raid report link below. We’ll contact you if you’re a good fit.👇

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