All cookie trackers at 1
[spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Help forum where you can find answers and troubleshoot any Destiny in-game/ app issues, courtesy of other helpful players and Mentors.
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Hi there, Thanks for your report, and confirming you were affected by this issue. Though you probably know about this already, rest assured the team is aware of this issue, and already looking into it: [quote]We're investigating reports where the Dawning Event Card's Amateur, Adept, and Expert Baker Triumphs are not progressing when baking every unique cookie.[/quote] This is confirmed [url=]here[/url]. We apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime.
Same! 😭😭😭
Don't worry it'll be fixed by january
Its a good thing tomorrow is thursday, maybe they'll mention something about it then.
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Yep bugged. Finished quest after farming the 1000 kills per arc, solar, void, stasis, strand kills to get my ingredients so I could one shot the whole event in a single day. Sadly after doing the whole quest and baking every cookie it only counted for 1 out of 20 cookies baked, and overall 13 out of 50 for total cookies baked. At the time they had to fix an issue pertaining to the event card upgrade being free for an hour earlier today. In doing so it caused checklist prioritization to complete unallocate. Now I have to do the whole quest over again but by doing it from order via oven. Doing this twice over is very frustrating, hopefully Bungie fixes this asap. Happy holidays Guardian 🍻