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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
12/18/2024 5:38:40 AM

Weight Gate Still here!? RNG problem

5 days of grinding and out of 20 focused rolls not one with max range! Not one with two pure range boosting only perks together. Did the weight Gate problem go away? RNG to blame? Regardless, it should be impossible to get twenty rolls that all are low range. The time it takes to get the weapons is painful, Essence & gift drop rates are poor and then the weapon rolls aren't rewarding in the end.. I come back to this game for new weapon events and I am reminded that the grind is why I put the game down. I love this game but it hurts to play. I am interested in all the weapons too which is sad, I can't get get a good pulse to move on to grind the others. Have you got the rolls you wanted 5/5? Post/track how many bad rolls you get.

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