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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
1/23/2025 5:28:57 AM

Trials armor on a knockout system? (Good lord please)

I think that most of the changes to the Trials mode are great, the way we acquire armor, however, is definitely not one. Why are we not allowed to earn the armor from engrams, are you afraid that Everyone is just gonna leave once they earn them? Are you that desperate for a few more hours of playtime? Seriously, at what point in the development did you think this was a good change? It keeps people playing? Gee I would hope the MASSIVE REWARD AND GAMEPLAY RE-STRUCTURE THAT YOU GUYS BRAGGED ABOUT IN YOUR BLOG POST WOULD BE ENOUGH FOR THAT. For the sakes of every fashion fiend's brain out there, I hope they are on a knockout system.

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