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Destiny 2
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Just giving my updated Nether thoughts for whatever it’s worth.
I play as a Warlock, so Hunters and Titans probably have other options.
If you’re someone like me, who can struggle playing solo, especially in a game mode like this, I hope this post will be beneficial.
First run: Absolutely frustrated me, made me not want to play or even compete the Seasonal Storyline on even one character. Have never experienced that for as long as I have played.
When you spend years understanding builds and the abilities, completely changing how healing works for one very new activity is, for me at least, a very hard adjustment.
The hard part for me: Many of the red-bars even can swarm you and do enough damage that 1-3 shots or so, most of your health is gone/ if not dead. If you’re someone who can’t adjust quickly, this can be an issue.
The bad: Since ways to regain health is limited, it becomes worse when breaking the pots or killing the ads drop health orbs randomly.
The Good: It is nice to at least see Bungie try a new type of game mode. Although, I do feel like they slid the bar too far to one side. The activity itself probably meads a little scaling.
The location is really cool and interesting to explore. Especially for someone how didn’t get to experience it originally.
What I did differently to complete two solo runs:
1. Ran a Prismatic Build using Osmiomancy Gloves. This is great to give yourself two Stasis turrets that can help take enemies out, while letting you fight from a distance.
2. Used Arcane Needle. A great distance melee with multiple charges.
3. Used Hellion. Again a great support option to do close and far away damage. This can take out some enemies, and can let you concentrate on other targets.
4. Used Nova Bomb: Cataclysm. Great on ads if needed. Otherwise it can still do decent damage even to Tormentors.
5. Used the glaive: Angle Rake. Great option to give yourself shield, especially when at low heath. Found Lodestar enjoyable, as it’s fairly quick firing. Also with something like a Tormentor with “target spots “ to hit for more damage, a nice beam from a TR is easy to maintain. One run I accidentally had a sword equipped as well. This actually saved me a few times, since it gave me another shield to block damage.
6. I found exploring the area is better than just rushing in to the main encounter areas right away. This way you likely find and kill smaller groups of enemies first. Some of these little side “quests “ or areas can have objectives. When you complete them, you can activate some buffs. This might help you with the other main encounters.
7. Use Phenix Dive vs a rift. It has a shorter cooldown than rift and you benefit from it more. Since you can pair it with Hellion, you’ll get your solar turret back a lot faster than either rift.
Overall, I hope this feedback helps anyone like myself who might be struggling with this activity. Overall, I don’t hate it as much as I did my first run. I do wish it was more of a side mode vs the direct seasonal storyline quest. I also don’t know that I want to play it all Episode long, but I can at least understand it better than before.
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