If you want to view everything at once it should be this link
Yesterday I had finished the Sundered Doctrine dungeon and when I had gone to transmog the armor I had gotten (boots), I noticed that they weren't there.
Confused, I ran it again, got boots once more, still nothing. It's a new day and still no boots. The first link I sent is proof I have the boots. The other links are images of me using another set of boots to try and transmog the dungeon boots but as you can see, they aren't there.
This problem seemingly acts randomly as some people can see the set while some, like me, cannot. Please help everyone dealing with this bug, at the very least acknowledge this issue, I really find joy in armor sets and fashioning my character. It's upsetting not being able to test out new outfits unless I want to ruin my stats. Last time this was an issue it took quite a long time to be fixed and hope that won't happen again.
Hi there, Thanks for your report, and the helpful screenshots! This issue affecting Sundered Doctrine armor has been passed on to the team, and is now being looked into.
Experiencing this as well. Got the boots (twice) and the chest armor; chest armor shows up as available for transmog but the boots do not.
Having same issue on Titan legs as well, but the arms do appear on Titan
As a Titan, I'm having the same problem. The Chest armor is available for transmog but not the leg armor.