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Destiny 2

Diskutiere über alles, was mit Destiny 2 zu tun hat.
2/15/2025 3:42:07 AM

Im just asking for some help.....

Why is it that when using the Fireteam Finder, people just dip out on you? I'm just trying to learn the encounters but I am extremely hard of hearing so I prefer not to talk on VC much. I label my post as hard of hearing as a tag as well as first time and guide needed, got two others and jumped in. I was going in blind with a guide on my other monitor so I was just going to read the mechanics as I played. I do this with all raids and dungeons until I learn from memory. Anyway, following these two we managed to get to the first encounter when one of the others asks in chat, "Got mics?". I replied "not me, hard of hearing....". No response from the other player. So I'm reading the guide I have up and looking around when the encounter starts. I have an idea as to how to do this, find the ad and kill, and remember the symbol, grab reflector thingy and move the darkness. We got to the first room and BOOM, a guardian has left you fireteam, and then another second later, again. I get it. No one wants to game with the people with disabilities. But that sucks. Just because I cant hear as well, doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to try and enjoy the game with others. Give people a shot sometimes.

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