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2/19/2013 7:33:49 PM

GDC Meetup?

I will be attending GDC this year for the first time and, without a doubt, looking forward to attending the "Brave New World" talk by Staten and Barrett. However, there was no indication regarding Bungie being an exhibitor so I thought I would post here to possibly get more information. I have been a longtime fan and would like to ultimately work as a gameplay programmer at Bungie ([url=]portfolio website[/url] for those interested). Any opportunity to meet up with someone from the team just to find out more about the company, get some personal perspectives on various aspects of their job, and get some feedback and direction on my work would be a great experience. Even though my focus is mainly in programming, I am interested in all of the aspects that go into game development and would be interested in talking to anyone that would be interested in chatting with a fan. This invitation is also extended to members of the community who would be attending GDC. It is always nice to have the opportunity to chat with someone about the current state of game development.
#Bungie #GDC #meetup

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