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3/27/2013 9:38:44 AM

Slacktivism in a nutshell

It seems to be that time on Facebook again where some gesture spreads across pretty quickly, and this time it's the equals sign. While I do support the campaign for gay marriage, this just seems...empty. Just like the KONY2012 and child abuse one (which the video uses as a subject). Do people really not know how silly the whole exercise is?

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  • Nobody is dumb enough to think that changing a profile picture is enough to sway the decision of a Supreme Court justice. However, that's not what the profile picture thing is about, it's about showing support. Rather than making a status about how you support gay marriage, people can now tell just by seeing your profile picture where you stand on the issue. Nothing more can be done in a productive manner by the public for the gay marriage cause at this point other than just showing their support and watching and waiting. This isn't KONY 2012. People aren't trying to spread awareness about gay marriage; everyone knows about it. They are, in fact, showing support for the movement, rather than attempting to further it.

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