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ursprünglich gepostet in:Bungie News Corp
Bearbeitet von risay_117: 10/7/2013 5:40:25 PM

[October 7th 2013]Gender based abortion, Chinese Oil

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen Today is October 7th 2013 Topic of the day [b][u][url=]Gender based abortion[/url][/b][/u] What is your view on them and what do you think we should do if you disagree with them?\ First on the agenda, [url=]US targeted Al-Shabab operator[/url] during the raid that occurred a couple days ago in Somalia. This has triggered reinforcement being sent to town where the raid happened. While John Kerry defended, [url=]the US army raid in Libya.[/url] The raid was to capture an al-Qaeda member. While in France, [url=]Bettencourt affair court case has been dropped.[/url] This case was against the Former French President and him soliciting secret finances from France's richest woman. While the Chinese Government has [url=]warned the US from entering a debt crisis.[/url] This is in fear of global economy falling. While in England, [url=]the decision not to charge for abortion based on gender was considered right.[/url] For pleasure viewing, [url=]beautiful and bizzare bridges of our world.[/url] While in Iraq a series of explosions [url=]have left 22 dead and many injured.[/url] While against skepticism, [url=]Palestenian and Isreali officials intensify talks.[/url] This is after the US pushing both sides against world skepticism that a deal will be reached. [url=]The education of Chinese Oil.[/url] From 2005 failed acquisition of Unocol Corp of Los Angelas to the successful buy out of Canadian Company of Nexen. A report about CNOOC. Now we go to science where [url=]New motion tracking technology.[/url] A lot more precise with less lag, from Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and Disney Research Pittsburgh. [url=]Disney researchers find a new way to create power.[/url] This is from rubbing paper like material, which creates electricity to light a string of LED's [url=]Volkwagon XL1[/url] makes its debut in America. [url=]Location is also important for stem cells.[/url] [url=]New Jelly like substance to replace platinum in fuel cells.[/url] That is not only considerably cheaper but works as well as platinum. Next we go to sports where [url=]Scores[/url] Philadelphia 1-2 Carolina Anaheim 3-2 Winnipeg Vancouver 5-4 Calgary While in NBA [url=]76ers 106-104 Basket[/url] [url=]Nuggets 97-88 Lakers[/url] While in MLB [url=]Cardinals 3-5 Pirates[/url] [url=]Braves 6-13 Dodgers[/url] While in NFL [url=]Saints 26-18 Bears[/url] [url=]Patriots 6-13 Bengals[/url] [url=]Lions 9-22 Pakcers[/url] [url=]Chiefs 26-17 Titans[/url] [url=]Seahawks 28-34 Colts[/url] [url=]Jaguars 20-34 Rams[/url] [url=]Ravens 26-23 Dolphins[/url] [url=]Eagles 36-21 Giants[/url] [url=]Panthers 6-22 Cardinals[/url] [url=]Broncos 51-48 Cowboys[/url] [url=]Texans 3-34 49ers[/url] [url=]Chargers 17-27 Raiders[/url] While in Soccer: In Barclay Premier League [url=]Norwich 1-3 Chelsea[/url] [url=]Southampton 2-0 Swansea[/url] [url=]Tottenham 0-3 West Ham[/url] [url=]West Brom 1-1 Arsenal[/url] That is all for today for the News. Updates may come later in the day. I hope you have a good day today and hope school and work will not be to busy this week. With that Thanks for Reading. Risay117 Out

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