Not because it's from the same franchise that brought us Colonial Marines, but defenceless horror games aren't my style.
I love Condemned. But I can defend myself. I picked up Outlast on PS4 and have barely played it because I get so -blam!-ing terrified it gives me a headache. :( Will Isolation have the same effect on me? Hope not. :/
I just want a decent Alien game. Every single one we had in recent years was shit :( :(
You can fight back in Isolation. There are guns, and I think a flamethrower. Chances are you can only injur and almost kill the alien, but never actually defeat it until the end.
Bearbeitet von RomanGladiator7: 3/31/2014 2:00:33 PMI want muh smart gun and pulse rifle :/ Defenseless survival horror isn't my style either.
It's not the same franchise as colonial marines. Same name, not same company/franchise
The way Alien: Isolation is different is that the Alien's AI learns from you. Say in corridors you take lefts a lot, it will start going that way to flank you. It pushes the player to think of ways to become stealthy and think of tactics on getting away, but don't use the same tactics or it'll be waiting where you think is safe :D
It's not so scary you just need
condemned isn't really scary though, it has a few jump scares but most of it is just random and makes you laugh.
Looks promising. I'm iffy about it though. Colonial marines was so bad.
Yeah. I'm actually more curious about the plot. If anyone remembers the Nostromo was self destructed and the alien was killed on the escape shuttle. Also I am curious about why once you know a xenomorph is there you wouldn't hurry and get the F off that ship.
Quite like the look of it. Less Aliens more Alien. Going to be so many ways.
Bearbeitet von def lepercon: 3/30/2014 7:51:32 PM[quote] I get so -blam!-ing terrified[/quote] Sounds like it's doing its job.
[quote]horror games[/quote] [quote]I get so -blam!-ing terrified[/quote] That means it's working.
It's gonna have the same vibe and gameplay as Outlast, I think. So far they confirmed there's only one Alien and no usable weapons. It looks really good in my opinion. I think they'll nail that "Holy shit did that shadow just move???" type of feeling.
I feel like it is going to be the same as colonial marines but it looks awesome now.
They need to tone down the motion blurr and bloom. It's so bad in the previews.