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Bearbeitet von physman: 4/19/2014 3:58:13 AM

Is my opinion towards gay people rude / inconsiderate?

Love is love, people can love who they want and it doesn't really matter to me. I don't support it nor am I against it. [b]I do[/b] however [b]think it is really weird[/b] (because I'm straight and it is Really hard for me to picture myself liking someone the same gender as me) [b]and unnatural and I really don't want my kid to be gay[/b] since I want grandchildren and I believe that having sex with the opposite gender and producing children is a lot more natural (natural human behavior) compared to anal'ing and / or having sex with someone who is the same gender. In highschool, I lived a really drama-filled life since my friend's girlfriends liked me / a lot of hearts were broken. So now, until I graduate university, I am avoiding making good friends with girls since I'm afraid one of them might end up liking me and I really want to live the rest of my university life focusing on school and not starting a drama-filled life again because it messes up my studies. With that said, [b]I am avoiding gays[/b] for the same reason I am avoiding girls. However, if I end up seeing a really cute girl at work, I would approach her with the hopes of her liking me, but [b]I will not approach a gay person[/b] and be [b]good friends with him because I wouldn't want him to like me[/b] (I'm not saying all gays like me, I'm saying that there is a possibility that a gay person will end up liking me if we became friends - [b]just like how a girl MIGHT end up liking me if we become friends[/b] - and I wouldn't want a gay person to like me.. I would love if a cute girl liked me though). Am I now labelled as a villain in society because of my opinion? [u]I posted this question because I was hoping someone can explain what part of my opinion is close minded so that I can have a more 'un-close minded' opinion. I want to learn, but that doesn't mean I want people starting a rant against me. I just want others to give me their opinion as to how I am close minded / being a 'dick'[/u].
#Offtopic #gays

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