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Bearbeitet von MeneerMalek: 7/23/2014 5:49:10 PM

[PS4] Sjagil looking for fellow muslims, or open-minded people

Saw a topic about a gay clan. Saw a topic about a christian clan. Thought i might as well make a clan for my fellow muslims. No bashing allowed, although i do appreciate a good joke so let me have it. Like the title says, we are looking for fellow muslims, or open-minded people. Open-minded basically means no KKK members or anything. I know, you are probably great, and it's totally my loss. We are just a bunch of no lifes who like to game day and night, watch Twitch, talk about series and movies and things like that. I know, sounds AWESOME right?? We expect you to have a mic, and some basic knowledge of the english language. Dancing can do all the talking however in Destiny so that's fine as well. And your friends don't dance and if they don't dance then they're no friends of mine. S-S-S-S A-A-A-A F-F-F-F Anyways, we are early till mid 20's, but we accept all ages. So grandpa, if you are up to the task, come on by. If you are younger than 18 you shouldn't even own a playstation so yeah. Go to school or something. It's not too late. If you feel motivated, intrigued, captivated, or any of the other buzz words that come to mind, then send me an invite, or a friendrequest on psn @ MeneerMalik!

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