>Be me
>Big Team Heavies on Reach
>Gunning in the Falcon
>MFW I have an awesome Pilot
>On a Killing Frenzy
>No Deaths
>Pilot circling around to finish off enemy Scorpion
>MFW a friendly Spartan Laser tears through the Falcon, killing me instantly
Back in 2008, halo 3.. Was on a untouchable in big team slayer with 0 deaths on Valhalla on the crashed pelican with sniper and BR 11 seconds in the march, somehow my teammate throws a sticky from the other base and STICKS me dead in the back and BAM *betrayl* next game I partied up with him and whenever he had no shields shot him with a BR in the head. Then I got a threatening message from him (he sounded like a 4 year old) kept trolling him and then he left and reported me. XD