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10/1/2014 9:30:43 PM

Can we please get some moderators on these forums?

I understand that Bungie has a few (or rather, at least one) representatives that peer through these forum posts and spin ideas/feedback towards the development teams, but the amount of downright [i]useless[/i] threads cluttering the boards is frustrating. We could really use some forum moderators, whether Bungie representatives or just community members, to help clean these forums of all the useless fluff so that it's easier to find information and relevant threads. And most of these threads boil down to people not wanting to read the information given to them [i]directly[/i] by Bungie. . [i]"How do I level up past 20?"[/i] [i]"I got a blue engram from my Cryptarch package; patch is broken!"[/i] [i]"Proof of locked content on disc!"[/i] It's getting really old and most of it goes against basic forum etiquette 101: [u][i][b] "Search before you post."[/b][/i][/u]

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  • I totally agree with this. I'm tired of seeing users blam on the boards all day long. Destiny is a good game IMO. If every game developer produced games with absolutely no bugs than gaming would be much more than it is today. And for those people bashing Bungie why don't you go design your own game and see if you can do any better. I know some people are having issues with the game, at least it wasnt the last Codies game that had corrupt save data for over 2 months. Everyone needs to take a chill pill and let them work through the problems.

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